Oscar predictions 2014: Best Director

Posted 10 years ago by myetvmedia

Historically the Best Director award has been closely tied to the Best Picture award. In fact, only four films have won Best Picture without their directors being nominated, including last year’s winner, ‘Argo’. This Year, all five of the nominated directors are from films in the Best Picture race.

And The Nominees Are:

David O Russell, American Hustle 

Alfonso Cuarón, Gravity

Alexander Payne, Nebraska

Steve McQueen, 12 Years A Slave

Martin Scorsese, The Wolf of Wall Street

While ‘Gravity’, ’12 Years A Slave’, and ‘American Hustle’ are locked in a tight race for Best Picture, the Best Director award has a more obvious frontrunner. ‘Gravity’ director Alfonso Cuaron seems like a no brainer to win for his compelling and horrifying look at isolation in space. If Cuaron doesn’t win, the award will likely go to Steve McQueen for ’12 Years a Slave’ or Martin Scorsese for ‘Wolf of Wall Street’. Both magnificent filmmakers in their own right, McQueen might have the edge on Scorsese who never seems to have much luck at the big show. Scorsese is a well known quantity at the Oscars but has only one Best Directing win in seven nominations. Additionally, with ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’s’ nomination, Scorsese has now set the record for the number of Best Picture nominated films directed with eight, exceeding both Steven Spielberg and Woody Allen.

Who will win: Alfonso Curarón, Gravity

Who should win: Alfonso Curarón, Gravity

Who was left out: Jean-Marc Vallee, Dallas Buyers Club Steven Frears, Philomena 

– Lauren Schell







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