Fan Expo

Posted 11 years ago by myetvmedia

And horror goes hand in hand with sci-fi. And are you spoiled for choice. You’ve got Nathan Fillion (Castle, Firefly, Green Lantern: First Flight), Colin Baker (Doctor Who), Max Brooks (the good World War Z), Karl Urban (DREDD), and Carrie Fisher (Star Wars), along with Robert Bailey, the official Star Wars artist. Don’t forget to sign up with the 501st Stormtrooper legion, celebrating their thirteenth anniversary. And for God’s sake, don’t try to find out which is faster, KITT or the DeLorean. It’s the TARDIS. Always the TARDIS.

Gaming at Fan Expo is always a treat. Previous years have had large Call of Duty contests, playable demos of then unreleased games such as Uncharted 3 and Batman Arkham City. In terms of gaming Fan Expo has officially announced a few things including: a list of guests


including Hulk Hogan, Batman Arkham Origins, Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag. But like all conventions they are playing things close to their chest until closer to the convention.

Unofficially in the hearts of those attending Fan Expo the hope is to see the next generation of consoles meaning the PS4 and the Xbox One. This may be likely as Fan Expo is very close to the holiday season and both companies can be expected to come out swinging. In terms of games hopefully we will see: Grand Theft Auto V, Splinter Cell Black Flag, Watch Dogs, Battlefield 4, Call of Duty Ghosts, Destiny, Knack, Dead Rising 3, Fifa 14, NBA 2K14 and hopefully the large and proud indie market that is thriving in Toronto.

And we haven’t even touched on the numerous cosplayers, the artist alley, or the random little events that happen spontaneously. Daleks rolling around, offering you tea. Steampunk duels. Watching someone get glomped off a staircase. It’s the little things that make a good convention great, and a great convention legendary. Check out our video preview of last year’s Fan Expo.

This year is going to be amazing.

Donal O’Connor

See Highlights from Fan Expo 2012 Toronto here:

Stan Lee

Rose McGowan Interview

John Carpenter interview

Assassin’s Creed: Jay Acevedo

Dead Before Dawn

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Fan Expo

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