Uncharted 3 Review

Posted 12 years ago by myetvmedia


“Uncharted 3” combat is the strongest element of the game and whether you’re punching enemies, shooting guns or using the environment to gain the advantage on your fights, everything feels considerably smoother and flawless than in the previous Uncharted games. This is especially apparent with the aiming and hit detection; which allow you to be deadly accurate and there will be rare occasions where you struggle with popping a quick headshot. I definitely liked how you could use the environment around you to disable your enemies by grabbing a bottle to break it on your adversary’s head or open a fridge door to

Courtesy of Naughty Dog

slam an enemy. It’s fun to play out these sequences and I caught myself cornering bad guys near objects just to see how Drake uses them. The game gives you a variety of ways to getting rid of your enemies from grenades to sniper rifles or good old fashion fistfight. But the star of the combat is the creative situations you must actually play through such as a teetering ship or a flooding cargo bay: truly mesmerizing.

Action is only just one aspect of the story and puzzles are just as daunting. Like in the last two games, your journal is sometimes required to solve clues and puzzles. The mind benders are truly enjoyable, even if they may be frustrating at times (abstract solutions or minute critical details) it is part of the game and one of the main reasons I love Uncharted, it is not all about killing the bad guys.

Courtesy of Naughty Dog

Bravo to Naughty Dog (creator of Uncharted) for improving on the multiplayer campaign. It’s super quick and easy to get into a match, and the game simply works, no waiting for extended periods for players to fill in. You’ve got a standard team death match, objective based gameplay and the RPG elements dominating shooters these days. If you’re not up for shooting other players there are plenty of co-op gameplay and it is just as well thought out and engaging as uncharted 2‘s. The multiplayer option is solid! That said, multiplayer doesn’t really add much to online games when compared to every other online shooter, the most attractive feature has always been the climbing game play in an online environment and we have seen that before. While the map scenarios (many taken from the main campaign) are pretty cool: such as team a trying to stop team b from mounting an escaping plane, the multi player is pretty pro-forma and nothing is really new or edgy. Never the less this is where Uncharted continues to shine.

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