The Best Offer La migliore offerta

Posted 10 years ago by myetvmedia

In the heady world of international, multi-million dollar art dealings of course intrigue, corruption and romance cannot be far away. All The Best Offer reviews should come with a non-spoiler alert. This is a thriller with a surprise ending worth waiting for. Virgil Oldman (Geoffrey Rush) is a connoisseur and lover of rare, very expensive and beautiful works of art. His job as the managing director of a very esteemed European art house allows him to indulge his fantasies. One day a beautiful, young heiress, Claire Ibbetson (Sylvia Hoeks) engages his services. She is almost as eccentric as he. She refuses to see him and communicates through closed doors while arranging for the auction of her parents valuable art and antiques to which she is sole heir.

Virgil appears to have an envious life of carefully constructed privilege which he shares with no one. He is a man of secrets. No man acts alone and even the highly intelligent Virgil Oldman relies on the street sense of his young friend Robert (Jim Sturgess) for advice. He finds among Claire’s possessions an odd sculptural piece which he believes is of supreme significance and asks Robert to help him reconstruct it. In the process he confides to Robert his increasing interest in Claire and seeks his advice on a courtship. Oldman also has an accomplice in his long standing affairs with the auction house. Billy Whistler (Donald Sutherland) has been instrumental in Virgil’s acquisitions of a secret private collection of master paintings, a relationship which both of them have benefited from. Virgil is about to encounter a new side of his universe. Things start to get very complicated and mysterious as Virgil becomes increasingly beguiled by the young heiress and her plight.

The Best Offer (Italian: La migliore offerta) is a 2013 Italian mystery romance, written and directed by Giuseppe Tornatore. Locations include; Trieste, Bolzano, Fidenza, Rome, Milan, Merano, Vienna and Prague, the film score is composed by Ennio Morricone.

It opens the 3rd Toronto Italian Contemporary Film Festival (ICFF 2014) at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, June 12th 7pm. The film is followed by a Gala AfterParty at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. The Best Offer has 13 international wins and 17 nominations including Best Film, Best Director, Best Costume Design, Best Music, Best Screenplay and Best Production Design.

Moira Romano

For the full schedule, showtimes and tickets for the ICFF 2014 click here.

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