This is a movie that should not be spoiled by tell-all reviews. Judi Dench deserves the highest filmmaker recognition for this performance along with actor/screenwriter Steve Coogan, co writer Rick Pope and director Steven Frears. What is particularly heart wrenching is that there were two terrible wrongs done in this story, the event itself in the 1950’s and then its covering up over the next 50 years. What is redeeming in this film is the incredible dignity of the main characters who restore our faith in humanity.
Judi Dench was very concerned about capturing the essence of Philomena, the life affirming, funny, intelligent, devout, Irish woman at its center. Dench confessed that it is an actor’s highest responsibility to accurately portray someone who is alive.
“She gave no indication at all that she was that woman. She has an incredible sense of humor, interesting, and then she gradually wanted to tell me the story…”
“You have to understand the story and then really understand what Philomena went through to get to that place. Of prime concern is not my emotional state but hers, hope to retell her story without selling her short in any way. Met her before starting filming – immensely funny, incredibly lively and we got on very well… same sense of humor”…
“My real concern was to do her justice in the film….very difficult to make it true to her in filmic terms.”
“Cannot imagine myself in that position and be capable of forgiveness… this is what makes the story worth telling.”
Judi Dench Press Conference 70th Venice International Film Festival
Moira Romano
The film Philomena was filmed among other places on location in Northern Ireland in Bryansford, Downpatrick, Rostrevor and Killyleagh, and local pub The Dufferin Arms.
@patheuk, @SteveCooogan