Dragon Age 2

Posted 13 years ago by myetvmedia


The conflicts in DA2 are slow to develop but ultimately end up feeling very real and thematically charged, many of the events draw comparisons to real world events and that’s a great thing. Having a game draw you in to the point that it provokes thought and comparison to real world life is the mark of greatness. The story in Dragon Age 2 succeeds despite a couple of loose early chapters and an ending that isn’t a cliffhanger but kind of feels like one.


The Dragon Age: Original wasn’t much of a looker on the consoles it actually looked like someone flung mud over the PC version. Bioware has gone leaps and bounds to make the game look sharp on both the console and PC and they have succeeded in spades. Dragon Age 2 features a new art style that is nothing short of fantastic! The world of Dragon Age has been stylized though it never feels cartoony, it actually looks all the more real for it and it completely outshines the artistic style of its predecessor. Everything is gorgeous; animations, models, textures and effects all look spectacular and the engine runs smooth like a knife through butter. There are however two major issues with the presentation; the game’s environments are re-used over and over again, they look great but running through the same spider cavern for the tenth time is just nerve wracking. The other issue exists within the games main city Kirkwall. The city itself looks fantastic but the people in it can seem lifeless, they either walk from A to B or stand in a circle apparently having a conversation. When I think massive industrial city, I think huge crowds and actual work being done; carts passing through, vendors haggling and beggars accosting you for coins, much like what you see in Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood. I loved Kirkwall but it just felt so lifeless and empty.


The voice acting in Dragon Age 2 lives up to if not surpasses what we heard in DA:O; every character is brought to life with amazing skill and none of it comes across as hammy or overacted. The new orchestral tracks are well done as well and while they are not as good or memorable as the tracks from DA:O they fit the games action nearly perfectly. The combat effects are equally as impressive, the only issue with the audio presentation is the same suffered in the visuals; the emptiness that accompanies the city. The highlight of the game’s sound is without doubt the dialogue from Hawke and the companions.

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Dragon Age 2

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Dragon Age 2 Screenshots

  • Fernis
  • Isabella
  • Varric
  • warrior Groundstab
  • Warrior Sheild
  • Aveline

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