Casino Jack

Posted 13 years ago by myetvmedia



George Hickenlooper (director) and Kevin Spacey (Jack Abramoff – Casino Jack) have made a winner. Based on the true story of a Washington lobbyist who created the biggest scandal in the Capital since Watergate, the film is ingenious and funny, replete with first-rate performances.  Casino Jack will be a box office success when it hits theatres.


The Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff knows no limits to his hubris.  Spacey’s portrayal of the arrogant, manipulative, dynasty building political criminal is pitch perfect.  Michael Scanlon (Barry Pepper) is the sidekick/accomplice, handsome, slick and untrustworthy. Together they egg each other on with greedy schemes to outdo the biggest Washington power mongers. They are in need of large amounts of cash on a regular basis. With “Casino Jack” leading the charge, they use all their political connections, reaching right into the inner sanctum of the White House, pulling strings to accomplish their mission.


Tactical intimidation and political pressure soon give them control over cash from Indian Casinos. As the money starts pouring in, Abramoff already has his eyes on a bigger prize and makes a disastrous decision to involve Adam Kidan (Jon Lovitz) a shady, underworld character in plans to take control of another gambling enterprise. One that seems just too good to resist. Abramoff’’s wife (Kelly Preston) has no idea how deep into a world of crime they have tumbled.  True to character, Scanlon knows no boundaries in his business or personal life. Corruption, murder and the scorn of a woman (Rachelle Lafevre) finally pull the empire to pieces.


Kevin Spacey spent some time visiting with the real Jack Abramoff, who is presently behind bars. Abramoff is a movie buff, sprinkling his conversation with spot-on impressions of favorite movie characters.  He is a larger than life character who even thrives in prison. He is not quite sure where he slipped up, according to him, he was just doing what everyone else in Washington does — he just got caught.


This is a tale of moral ambiguity and seemingly charmed characters, a well-written script (Norman Snider) and a cast of fabulous characters.  It is also a Canadian production. Enjoy.


Moira Romano

Casino Jack HD Trailer

Casino Jack

  • George Hickenlooper
  • Katie Boland
  • Daniel Kash
  • Adriana and Olivia at Casino Jack Party

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