FAT 2012 (Fashion Art Toronto) Arts & Fashion Week (April 24-28th) was edgy, creative, had incredible DJ’s, remarkable video and photography exhibits and the sexiest models! It was held for the first time this year in a warehouse at 213 Sterling Rd. in that jewel of a Toronto neighborhood – the up and coming Sterling Road area, or as most know it - The Junction Triangle. This annual multi-arts event now in its 7th year, featured over 200 national and international designers, visual artists, bands and performers. It was a spectacular week full of energy and surprises. The thematic focus for FAToronto 2012 was fashionscapes: land + city + body +future.
myEtvMedia checked out FAT Fashion Art Toronto on
Day 3: Bodyscapes & Day4: FutureScapes. Day2 was CITYscapes and FAT opening night featured LANDscapes.
Day 3: Bodyscapes
BODYscapes – artists and designers were to “investigate the human form as a playing field for expressing identity, sexuality and gender”. The results were delicious, naughty and liberating.
Music beats filled the space. First up was Daniel Wilson who was spinning for the full 4 days with something new every night.
Fashion on Film was a continuing feature of the 4 nights and was shown on large screens flanking the runway. THE BIRTH by Ozer (Shoot Me Fashion) Istanbul, was spell binding! As was Fegurð – Beauty by Fabian Weber, Switzerland, with his ‘fleeting moment.’ The Gardener by Katja Hentshel (Focus Germany) showcased the unconventional, urban, avante-garde fashion. A BALLARDIAN COLLECTION by Camille Marceaux and Nicolas Davenel (Paris), was surreal and emotional. These are a small sample of the highly creative vidoe elements of FAT.
The German Focus Fashion/PHOTO ONSITEexhibit was remarkable. See the fashionarttoronto.ca website for a full list of the participants and links to their individual sites.
The designers filled the runway with glamorous, fit models in provocative, sometimes shockingly classic attire ranging from haute couture looks to lace, corsets and T-shirts.
Pactfashion was a Prom night delight inspired by Hollywood style icons Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn, Selena Gomez and designed by at-risk youth.
Worth by David C Wigley was for the man, with designs going for drama (capes, vibrant pants) to sophistication (tailored jackets, knits).
Day4: FutureScapes.
Designers were to examine “fashion and art that look forward into the unexpected, inventive, extreme or imagined. New materials, technology, media and innovative processes define indefinite possibilities and futurescapes.” Lauren Schell and Marshall Jeske covered the night: