
Posted 12 years ago by myetvmedia


By Chris Murphy

Roland Emmerich’s “Anonymous” (2011) is his best work since “The Patriot” (2000). The film questions the origins of Shakespeare’s plays and whether he actually was the mind behind the greatest theatre ever written. Emmerich makes a convincing case that there was someone else, and that Shakespeare was nothing more than a hack out for fame and fortune.


“Anonymous” is a period film grounded in modern day. It is presented as a play being shown to a present day audience and seamlessly transitions to the film’s setting many years ago. This concept helps make the film’s world far more believable and helps draw the audience in. It also helps validate the theatrical overacting in the film, but do not take this the wrong way, the performances are great.


Rhys Ifans portrays the Earl of Oxford, the alleged creator of the works of Shakespeare. He lived in a world where Elizabeth (Vanessa Redgrave) was Queen and theatrical writing was considered demeaning. Elizabeth herself adored watching plays and frequently attended the theatre. The power of the play was becoming evident to some as a way to reach the mobs and sway their opinions. Some of Elizabeth’s noblemen were well aware of this including The Earl of Oxford. The Earl of Oxford was intent on changing social and political realities. Through Shakespeare (Rafe Spall) and Ben Johnson (Sebastian Armesto), a local and moderately successful writer, the Earl saw an opportunity to put his plan into action. His plan would potentially rock the foundation of the royal family and change the balance of power. Seeing the pieces fall into place is what makes “Anonymous” such a wonderful film to behold.


The film tells the story utilizing three timelines through the characters’ lives simultaneously intertwining the past and present.  Emmerich cleverly uses this technique to help the story unfold. This is a mature filmmaker who boasts a revitalized talent in every frame. The costume design, casting and art direction make “Anonymous” a sure contender for an Oscar. Anonymous, unlike his previous disaster film’s “2011″ and “10,000 B.C.” is a film that has heart and a great story.


Emmerich proves the “pen the is mightier than the sword” but I urge you to decide for yourself.

Anonymous HD Trailer

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