Top Ten List for Video Games 11.11.11 & Beyond
11.11.11 is a highly anticipated release date for gamers and film fans. Although this date is big for releases several great games and movies are releasing right around this date in preparation for the holidays. So with such a lot of choice what’s on our top ten list?
Top 10 list for Gamers:
ElderScrolls V: Skyrim – Bethesda Softworks (11.11.11)
Expect a brand new engine “Creation Engine”, significantly improved characters, animation and a story revolving around dragons. “It’s a big game” an open ended world with more than 120 dungeons (and 100+ “points of interest”), with up to 50 character levels. So get ready, abandon all hope, and do not expect to have a life once this dragon-born epic arrives.
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Sony (11.01.11)
It is a good time to own a PS3; Drake Deception will bring in stunning environment details, innovative technology and high-resolution stereoscopic 3D. Drake’s quest for the fabled “Atlantis of the Sands” set’s him up against shadowy clandestine organization and ruthless leaders. Nathan Drake can now take opponents in more ways than before: hand-to-hand combat with multiple opponents and new stealth options. It also features deeper gunplay. Fortunately it is only days away before we can put our hands on this baby! Can’t wait for the cinematic story to play out.
Starwars: The Old Republic – BioWare & LucasArt (12.01.11)
If you are looking for an MMO* which offers fast-pace, exciting combat, then SWTOR is for you. With its high-speed combat, epic quest lines, and solo and small group play options, it is perfect for players that enjoy some MMO features (economy, PvP*, people to interact with) without the hassle of trying having to get in a group of 20 people together every time you want to do something epic or exciting. StarWars is the re-birth of the knights of The Old Republic.
* MMORPG: Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
* PvP: Player versus Player
Assassin’s Creed Revelations – Ubisoft (11.15.11)
This fantastic franchise is the suite of Assassin’s Creed (2007), Assassin Creed: Bloodlines (2009) and Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (2010). It is a phenomenal historical science fiction third person action-adventure game series. This time the main game will be set in Ottoman-era Constantinople (modern day Istanbul).
The game includes many new systems, including additional weapons. Bomb crafting will now be available, allowing you to create explosive, distraction and tactical bombs, using materials found throughout the world and on Assassin Guild missions. The ‘hookblade’ will also be introduced, which can be used in free-running (to travel along zip wires and climb more easily) and in combat (to manipulate enemies). Eagle Vision has been upgraded to Eagle Sense, which allows Ezio (main character) to not only see where his enemies and targets are but where they have been and where they are going to be. Assassin recruits will make their way back into the gameplay as well. Also the multiplayer mode has come back into the Assassin’s Creed game. This time with more characters, modes, and maps. Totally living up to its reputation!