Jerusalem IMAX Movie Interview Director Daniel Ferguson

Posted 11 years ago by myetvmedia

Jerusalem: The Heart of The World, the IMAX documentary movie by writer, director, producer Daniel Ferguson, narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch, is a visually stunning journey to the heart of one of the most enigmatic cities on Earth. The movie takes a unique approach by revealing the story of the city through the eyes of three young women, one Christian, one Muslim and one Jewish, who live in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem the IMAX movie had its Canadian Premiere at the Museum of Civilization in Ottawa, Canada hosted by the National Geographic Entertainment and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem CFHU. Jake Eberts, the celebrated Canadian film producer (Gandhi, Chariots of Fire, Dances With Wolves, Chicken Run) was an executive producer on the film and was honoured at the premiere. Sadly Jake Eberts passed away before completion of the movie.

Our interview with Daniel Ferguson reveals the challenges in making the movie, the goal of the filmmakers and some highlights including Benedict Cumberbatch’s enthusiasm for the project, filming in the Muslim Mosque, the ritual of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and finding the three girls.


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