GOTY XBOX360 – Batman: Arkham City

Posted 12 years ago by myetvmedia

No, it is not exclusive to the xBox, but does that really matter? It is longer, deeper and more entertaining than ‘Gears of War 3’ and the myETVmedia team is awarding Batman: Arkham City first place as our choice for Game of the Year 2011. ‘Gears of War 3’, which we would award second place. ‘Batman: Arkham City’ is one of the best action adventure games of the year and will be worth your time and money no matter the platform you choose to play it on. The game successfully follows the source material (comics, movies, cartoons) so closely while finding an identity of its own, which is no small task. ‘Batman: Arkham City’ has done this in spades. It is the best comic book video game ever made and features as much if not more game play than its competitors (in the action adventure-exploration genre) Zelda, Infamous 2 and Assassins Creed. The story is deep, the game play tight and the future of this franchise is promising.

Game Of The Year: ‘Batman: Arkham City’ XBOX360 (but all platforms hold up)

What? Why? How could you choose this over ‘Skyrim’?

How could you choose ‘Batman: Arkham City’ over ‘Uncharted 3: Deception of Drake’ and ‘Gears of War 3’?

Go and play it, see for yourself. Otherwise check out our full written review and in depth analysis posting shortly.

Official Trailer


  • Batman Arkham City
  • Batman Arkham City
  • Batman Arkham City

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