Cavalia Odysseo Behind The Scenes

Posted 12 years ago by myetvmedia

Lauren Schell

When an empty stretch of land on Toronto’s waterfront just south of the Distillery District suddenly became the site of a massive white circus tent, pennants flying, Toronto’s social media outlets were buzzing with anticipation. What could be going on under the Big Top? This is the world’s largest Big Top. Enter Cavalia Odysseo: a breathtaking multimedia show with horses, acrobats, performers, projections and live music that’s nothing short of magical. Cavalia Odysseo is “A larger than life spectacle.”

Cavalia Odysseo is brought to you from the genius co-creator of Cirque Du Soleil, Normand Latourelle. “A dream-like journey between man and horses, a tribute to what horses have accomplished for man.”
-Normand Latourelle, Founder, Artistic Director

When the show rolls into town you’ll know it!

The home of Cavalia Odysseo is the world’s largest Big Top. It takes 6 nights and days to raise, is 200 x 300 feet, 125 feet at the peak. There is a 27 thousand square foot stage, which is flooded during the show with 80,000 gallons of water. The show requires 200 workers. There are over 70 stallions representing 11 different horse breeds, the crew speaks 7 different languages and the performers represent 13 different nationalities. About half the troupe are permanent and travel as a big family. The music is performed by a live orchestra that also travels with the show.

Cavalia Odysseo has rightfully received rave reviews. The show plays out like a fairy-tale; Stallions run free on stage with riders performing daring feats on their steeds at full gallop. Acrobats dangle from the ceiling on silk ropes with stage backdrops designed to make you feel like you’re in an enchanted forest. Odysseo is nothing short of a revolutionary live performance. But who makes this dream-like world a reality? Boasting an impressive roster of over two hundred working members Cavalia’s Odysseo crew is larger than a Rolling Stone’s concert crew, and we’re guessing the horses are a lot easier to manage than Keith Richards.

MyEtvMedia had the privilege of being given a backstage tour to take a peak behind the scenes. It feels like another secret world. Everyone was gracious and smiling and despite the grueling hours they all must put in. There was a wonderful atmosphere and of course, once again, the very well cared for horses stole the show. Our backstage pass included a visit to the tranquil stables. A look at the breathtaking main stage: not unlike a movie set, a backdrop of projected forests, reminiscent of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. We had the pleasure of meeting with the man behind it all; Director and Producer Normand Latourelle; as well as James Richardson, Director of Equestrian Choreography; Benjamin Aillaud, Acrobat; and Majolie Nadeau, acrobat, horsewoman, rider. Latourelle’s passion and enthusiasm for the show radiates as he tells us what it means to him and it’s obvious that his love for the show rubs off on all those around him.

After a look behind the scenes, it becomes apparent that nothing out there compares to Cavalia’s Odysseo; a unique genre, wondrous spectacle celebrating the divine connection between horse and human. It is fueled by the passion, dedication and expertise of this family of creators and performers who love horses, and of course the 70 stallions who love to perform and live for the spectacle to continue. The roar and applause of the audience feed their souls.

Cavalia Oysseo is in Toronto, Canada from May 15th- June 3rd 

Cavalia Odysseo Behind The Scenes


  • Cavalia Odysseo 01
  • Cavalia Odysseo 07
  • Cavalia Odysseo 06
  • Cavalia Odysseo 05
  • Cavalia Odysseo 04
  • Cavalia Odysseo 03
  • Cavalia Odysseo 02
  • Cavalia Odysseo 09
  • Cavalia Odysseo 08

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