Top 5 Bond Henchmen

Posted 11 years ago by myetvmedia

#4: Xenia Onatopp - Golden Eye (1995)

Courtesy of: Eon Productions

Famke Janssen plays Xenia Ontopp, the sadistic operative who uses her feminine charms to lure men into her presence and then kill them during heated sex. Her pleasure is derived from the infliction of pain and death during sex. She has all the characteristics of a psychopath. Her lack of conscience, taking sexual pleasure through another person’s pain and death, and her pure pleasure in the outcome of her behavior without remorse. Two scenes are memorable that define her behavior. The first is in Monte Carlo when she invites a Canadian admiral on board her yacht, then in a frenzied sexual act she crushes him to death with her legs while pleasuring herself.

The second scene involves BondOntopp rappels from a helicopter onto Bond who is unconscious. She winds herself around Bond and attempts to crush him in her signature manner. Fortunately our hero Bond manages to save himself from this cruel fate by grabbing her AK-74 rifle, killing the helicopter pilot while simultaneously attaching Onatoppa to the harness connected to the helicopter. The helicopter drags Onatopp off Bond and she gets caught in the fork of a tree. The harness crushes the breathe out of her just before it crashes. “She always did enjoy a good squeeze“, was Bond’s description of the event to Natalya afterwards.

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Top 5 Bond Henchmen

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